Continuing Responsibilities

National – The LWVUS has consensus statements on the following:*

  • GOVERNMENT:  Citizen Rights, Congress and the Presidency, D.C. Self-government, Voting Rights, the Election Process, Fiscal Policy.
  • INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS:  Arms Control, Military Policy, Defense Spending, Trade, the United Nations, US Relations with Developing Countries, Campaign for a Safer World.
  • NATURAL RESOURCES:  Resource Management, Environmental Protection, Pollution Control, Toxic Wastes.
  • SOCIAL POLICY:  Child Care, Equal Education, Employment and Housing, Equal Rights, Income Assistance, Meeting Basic Human Needs, Urban Policy, Transportation, Health Care.

State – The LWV of Massachusetts has consensus statements on the following:*

  • ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE:  Corrections, Court System, Ballot Questions, Family Law.
  • FISCAL POLICY  Tax Structure, Tax and Spending Limits, Casino Gambling, State Aid, the State Budget System.
  • WOMEN’S ISSUES:  Birth Control and Abortion, Sex Education.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY:  Water, Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Air Quality, Land Use, Coastal Zone Management.
  • EDUCATION:  Quality Education, Equal Education, Collective Bargaining and Tenure, Fiscal Autonomy.
  • STATE GOVERNMENT:  Constitutional Rights, Open Meeting Law, County Government, Home Rule, Campaign Financing, Voting Rights, the Executive, The Legislative, Public Personnel.
  • SOCIAL POLICY:  Day Care, Affirmative Action, Fair Housing, ERA, Health Care, Welfare.

*For Complete Consensus Statements and Background Information, see “Where We Stand” – LWVUS, LWV Mass.

Local – The Melrose League has consensus statements on the following:


      1. We support the present structure of the City government as set up in the City Charter with the following exceptions:

· We oppose the two-year term and support a staggered four-year term for the School Committee.

· We believe that any changes suggested in the future be advocated only after intensive and conclusive study.

2.         To expand our effectiveness and to better our understanding of City government, we shall maintain a strong Observer Corps.


      1. We support continued improvement in educational programs to serve the varying needs of all students.
      2. We recommend that broader community support for, and involvement in, the Melrose Public Schools be obtained by actively reaching out to the citizens of Melrose and tapping their talents and energies as volunteers, or donors of goods or funds.  One avenue which could foster better communication would be establishing cable TV access in Melrose.
      3. We support the efforts of the Mayor and Aldermen to work together in a fiscally responsible manner to ensure sufficient funding for the needs of the Melrose school system as projected by the School Committee.
      4. We support the efforts of the School Committee to continue its long-term planning efforts, particularly with regard to ensuring sufficient financing for the school system, with excellence the goal.  We further support the collaboration of the School Committee with administrators, teachers, parents, students, and community representatives in this endeavor.
      5. We support the active pursuit by all Melrose schools of evaluation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.
      6.  We support the institution by the School Administration of an ongoing citywide process for review and revision of curricula.
      7. We support the establishment of coordinated curricula throughout the school system, and the institution of support systems to execute such curricula.
      8. We recommend the establishment of an ongoing evaluation of non-academic student services by administrators, teachers, parents, community representatives, and students.
      9. We recommend that the School Administration continue to provide time and funds to enable teachers to attend workshops.
      10. We recommend that parenting and Child Abuse Prevention Program (CAPP) classes should be available throughout the school system as appropriate.
      11. Specifically regarding the High School, we recommend the reinstitution of Department Heads and the establishment of a management team.  We further recommend that there be a greater emphasis on school rules and procedures.
      12.  We recommend that the HS Follow-up program be vigorously continued.

HOUSING:  We support additional decent, safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income families in the city, through rehabilitation, rental assistance, or building.

TRANSPORTATION:  We support the study of transportation as it affects Melrose Public Highway present and future plans, and, in line with our consensus, we support a public transportation plan which takes into consideration the social, economic and environmental needs of Melrose and promotes an increase in the availability and use of public transportation.


1.         Conservation:  We support the preservation of natural resources.  For example: a) ponds and streets should be kept clear of refuse and pollution, and b) the principle of preserving at least the current ratio of open spaces should guide us in the evaluation of programs for support action.

2.         Recycling:  Support for a city-wide recycling program.

CITY PLANNING:  We support city planning and the development of government process to meet municipal needs with a long-range coordinated program.  In an attempt to provide judicious long-range planning of the City of Melrose, the LWV of Melrose supports retaining a city planner, with at least a Master’s Degree in City Planning, who has demonstrated expertise in the field, and whose experience and educational background reflect the specific needs of the city.  The planner should be in constant communication with, and give the utmost consideration to, the concerns of the various boards and commissions that deal with land use in the city:  Planning Board; Redevelopment Authority; Conservation Commission; Zoning Board of Appeals; Park Commission; Housing Authority; School Department; and other city officials.

ZONING:  We support the Planning Board’s functions according to the “Revised City Ordinance.”  We support continuous and systematic review of all zoning ordinances and code enforcement, and keep informed of opportunities to work for needed changes.


1.         We support the continued upgrading and maintenance of recreational facilities.

2.         We support the siting of new facilities so as to effect a better distribution of such facilities throughout the city

3.         We support a high quality youth program with de-emphasis on competitive sports and an emphasis on individual and creative growth.